During the Holiday Season, Come Together With Custom Made Fishing Rods

Holiday FishingThere are few more peaceful experiences in this world than sitting out on the open waters for hours, not breathing a word while you wait for fish to bite at your baited line. In a world filled with war, strife and constant technology, fishing may be the last respite some have for enjoying peace and quiet in their lives. Throughout history, fishing has even been able to bring together people from very different backgrounds, even when they’re coming from different countries that are in conflict.

During the Cold War, one fishery operated by U.S. and Russian fishermen flew directly in the face of the prevailing sentiments of the time, that capitalists and communists couldn’t cooperate. However, as this KUOW.org radio report discusses, the area of Seattle, WA, was home to one of the biggest collaborations between Russian and American fishermen during the height of Cold War tensions.

The Marine Resources partnership was dreamed up by an American fishery in response to U.S. legislation in the late 1970s that gave priority to American fishermen within 200 miles of the American coastline. A provision of the law gave some priority to American fishermen working with foreigners, and a shrewd businessman realized that the immense Russian fleet and their knowledge of processing fish far outpaced the skills of their American counterparts.

While political conflicts raged all over the world between the superpowers, both the American and Russian fishermen involved in this venture gained a lot from the partnership. Green American fishers gained a lot of valuable experience from expert fishermen. The Russians also found a business partner that could navigate the open markets in a way that communists couldn’t.

Although the fishery only lasted a matter of years, it showed an incredible amount of cooperation among people from different sides of the global political battleground of the day. With the holidays coming up, now might be a great time to find some peace in your own life through a little fishing. For the fishing fanatic in your life, Signature Fishing Rods is bound to have exactly what he or she needs.
